Subliminal Messages Songs

Subliminal Messages Songs
Subliminal Messages Songs

Thursday, March 17, 2011

How to Embrace the Real You

How to Embrace the Real You


Perhaps one of the biggest tragedies in your life is the non-acceptance of who you really are. If you haven't noticed it yet, you are your own harshest critic. If you cannot embrace the real you, you'll spend the rest of your life wondering what it's like to have somebody else's life. You'll never get to appreciate the things that you have, and you'll always be insecure or jealous about other people's possessions and success.


It's time to be truthful. These tips may just be what you need:


Determine your strengths and focus on them.


You are human. You have flaws and strengths, but then again, why spend most of your time thinking about what you lack when you have something others don't have? Sit down and think about what you're good at. Discover your strengths, appreciate them, and then nurture them. For example, if you're good in writing, you may want to enroll in writing classes or apply for grants and fellowships.


Take care of yourself.


We live in a judgmental world, where fat people are often considered to be less superior than the leaner ones. It's not surprising to feel hopeless and frustrated if you're a few pounds above your ideal weight. Since how you look is often a trigger for insecurity and envy you should start taking good care of yourself.


Spend at least 15 minutes a day exercising. Eat the right kinds of food. Make it a habit to visit your doctor and dentist regularly, as well as to take physical exams at least once a year. Be alert of any kind of irregularity or pain in the body, especially if it's going on for a couple of days or weeks.


Go beyond your appearance.


There's nothing wrong with taking care of your looks. As mentioned, it's very important. However, that doesn't mean you have to spend most of your time minding your appearance. Sooner or later, wrinkles and sunspots will appear. You can definitely hide them with beauty care products or get rid of them through surgeries and other treatments. But doing these things can already be stressful to you.


One of the best ways to love yourself is to simply bring your attention to your inner beauty. Build and cherish personal relationships, volunteer in organizations, help out a friend, donate in charities, or allow your faith to grow.


Affirm yourself all the time.


Confidence is one of the keys to accepting yourself. If you are secured about what you can do, then there's no reason for you to feel jealous about other people's accomplishments. You can enhance or maintain your self-esteem through subliminal messages or affirmations.


Their downloadable versions contain messages such as the following:


I love the way I am.

I accept both my strengths and my faults.

I am whole and accepted by the universe.

I am who I am.  


You can listen to these affirmations as often as you can. This way, you'll be reminded that no one can love you best than yourself.



Nelson Berry is the Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Videos and Subliminal MP3s Audio Subliminal Messages Online. Valued at $160, click for 4 Free Subliminal Messages!





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