Subliminal Messages Songs

Subliminal Messages Songs
Subliminal Messages Songs

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Rekindle An Old Flame – Subliminal Messages Can Help

Rekindle An Old Flame – Subliminal Messages Can Help


Did you lost what you now realize is the love of your life? Or have you recently come across an old flame you realize you still love? Finding or getting back together with a lost love is the goal of many individuals out there. A lot of people just have this one person they can't seem to get over. But what if you rekindle an old flame the wrong way? If you got a second chance, are you sure you will still get a third chance? It's not very likely, is it?


So if you want to rekindle and old flame and keep it burning, you have to take things one step at a time. Here's a list you can go through.


1. Assess your desire. Before you do something to rekindle that old flame, first ask yourself whether you really want to rebuild that relationship. When we lose something important to us, our tendency is to miss the things that we love about what we lost. This often clouds our judgment and keeps us from seeing the negative side of the relationship. Remember that if you rekindle that lost love, there is a big chance that all the negative aspects of the past relationship will still be there along with all the positive ones. So before you plant the seeds of hope in yourself and in the other person, make sure of your decision. If not, both of you may get unnecessarily get hurt for the second time.


2. Assess your intention. Also, ask yourself what your real intention for rekindling the old flame is. Some people want to rebuild a lost relationship because they feel sorry for themselves or because they want to get back at the person who has hurt them in the past. Some people go back to past loves when they break up with a recent love or they do so because they hit an emotional plateau. In such cases, do re-assess your decision and wait some time before you take any steps. You never know, the desire may fade eventually.


3. Focus on the present. When you are sure about your desire to rekindle your old love, you can start taking the initial steps. But make sure that you keep your eyes focused on the present time. Do not, at any cost, try to bring the past into the present relationship; not the positive, and not the negative. The positive points of the past relationship may keep you stuck on a fantasy mode, which may no longer hold true due to all the changes that have occurred in both of you. The negative points of the past relationship, on the other hand, such as past hurts, hidden resentment, and old issues, should not be taken against each other.


One way to keep your focus is to use subliminal messages that help the past completely fade away, even the roots that are stubbornly embedded in the subconscious. Subliminal messages are the most effective tools that can help cleanse away and heal you from the past so you can start anew with your old love.


4. Get rid of the negatives. Think back for a while on the reason why you broke up in the past. There may still be some aspects of your personality that the other person won't want to go back to. If there are any old habits that can get in the way of you getting your old love back, you can also use subliminal messages to get rid of these barriers. This way, your old love will see a new, better you and fall in love with you all over again.


Nelson Berry is the Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Videos and Subliminal MP3s Audio Subliminal Messages online. Valued at $160, click for 4 Free Subliminal Messages!


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