Subliminal Messages Songs

Subliminal Messages Songs
Subliminal Messages Songs

Thursday, July 21, 2011

$10 Per Minute – Nelson Berry Subliminal Video

$10 Per Minute – Nelson Berry Subliminal Video

What do YOU think it's like to Make $10.00 Per
Minute, or $5.2 Million Per Year?

Making an average or above average income is
NOT something to brag about these days. At
that level, you're still worried about security
and not having as much FUN as you would like.
The free time and inner peace feelings that come
with freedom are still elusive.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

What are Daily Mental PDRs & How/Why You Should Do Them? ($500K Value Free)

What are Daily Mental PDRs & How/Why You Should Do Them? ($500K Value Free)

Normal people aren't sure why they should be doing
Daily Mental Practice Drill & Rehearsals (PDRs)
on their desired outcomes.

The Elite Top 3% know EXACTLY why they're doing
Daily Mental PDRs on their goals and know EXACTLY
how to do them.

If you are an Elite Top 3%'er, this is redundant
information to you.

Otherwise, this email will show you:

1- What Daily Mental PDRs on YOUR Desired Outcomes Are.
2- Why You Should Do Daily Mental PDRs on YOUR Desired Outcomes.
3- How You Should Do Daily Mental PDRs on YOUR Desired Outcomes.

First thing you need to know is what YOUR Desired Outcomes Are.
There isn't a person walking the earth that hasn't considered
this question, but very few of them have taken the time to write
them down.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Subliminal Messages – The enemy of the great is good.

Subliminal Messages – The enemy of the great is good.

The average person… the 97% of people
trying their hand at the law of attraction…
from the bottom to the 97 percentile of success
believe that 99% compliance is good.

The Elite Top 3% believe that 99% compliance
is terrible.

Some say "Practice Makes Perfect", but this is


When you are doing closed eyed PDRs, do you really
think that allowing your mind to wander is going to
attract anything close to what you are trying to attract?

PDR = Practice, Drill & Rehearse

The enemy of the great is good.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Subliminal Messages – What’s The Elite Top 3% Obsessed With?

Subliminal Messages – What's The Elite Top 3% Obsessed With?

Subliminal Messages – What Are You Obsessed With?

97% of our population is obsessed
with the next "big fad" or whatever
comes along next.

The Elite Top 3% is obsessed with
success. They eat, sleep, dream,
think, exercise, fight, train, study
and execute like a million bucks –
leaving no stone unturned that might
trip them up on their journey. They are
fast movers!

The FIRST thing that you do to join
like an Elite 3%'er with Subliminal Messages.

Beliefs are consistent, or normal
thought patterns for that individual.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Subliminal Messages Psychic Reveals YOUR Worst Habit!

Subliminal Messages Psychic Reveals YOUR Worst Habit!

The mass majority of income earners
do not think habits have anything to
do with making money, but habits are
something to get rid of. They are
literally stuck in "the quicksand of
debt and depression" without a way
out and no one around to help them.

The Elite Top 3% of Income Earners
know and have proven that "habits"
are something to be developed and
once the proper habits are formed,
behavior and results go on auto-pilot
like a 747.  You make money while you

Friday, July 1, 2011

Subliminal Messages – The Elite Mind Programming System of The Top 3%!

The Elite Mind Programming System of The Top 3%!

The average, normal person seeks success primarily
through hard word and action first. This is 97% of
our population.

The elite 3% seek, execute and achieve success and
excellence primarily through mind programming and
mental conditioning first.

*Switching* from the 97% to the Elite 3% is easy if
you know what you are doing, have proper guidance
and the correct tools.

I guess I was lucky. I learned this when I was 17
years old and really "got it" when I was 20 years