Subliminal Messages Songs

Subliminal Messages Songs
Subliminal Messages Songs

Saturday, September 11, 2010

The "I Am A Millionaire Today" Subliminal Video

YOU Are a Millionaire... TODAY!

What do you think happens when YOU believe YOU are a Millionaire... Right Now... Today?

Jim Thomas of San Diego, CA USA writes:

"I watched The "I Am A Millionaire Today" Subliminal Video ONE TIME and went and bought a lottery ticket. I WON $10 GRAND! I will be watching THIS video twice a day for the rest of my life! Don't ask me how it works, but IT WORKS!"

The New Release of The "I Am A Millionaire Today" Subliminal Video is NOW available and ready to download NOW.

After you download this, do yourself a favor and go buy a lottery ticket.

What would it be like if you woke up in the morning and YOU HIT THE JACKPOT?

A- Would you keep watching The "I Am A Millionaire Today" Subliminal Video and keep buying lottery tickets?

B- Go on a glamorous spending spree while responsibly managing YOUR WINNINGS?

C- Both?

All instructions included. 60 day guarantee. All subliminal commands are listed.

We have a very small limited number of these available so hurry up and download this before they are all gone.

Normally 39.95 - Today Only 19.95 - Save 50%!

Click here to secure your copy now.

With Respect,

Nelson Berry
Subliminal Video Messages

PS. The question always comes up. "I already have this video (or one like it), should I get this one? The answer is YES! The best approach is to mix-it-up when you are dealing with Subliminal Videos on the same topic -- Making Money.

Normally 39.95 - Today Only 19.95 - Save 50%!

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Friday, September 10, 2010

5-Minutes To Millions

5-Minutes To Millions

All right, look.

I get this e-mail that says, "Please send me something that is free
that will cause me to attract money so that I can have money to pay
for other things needed. Thank you."

This is a typical example of e-mails that are going around the
world that people just don't get it.

So what I wanted to do was give anybody the opportunity to manifest
anything that they wanted to for basically free.

That the only thing that you need is a couple of good pencils or
pens, and a notebook, you know, like a standards 120 sheet 10 ½" x
8" notebook, regular notebook.

So how do we do this?

Firstly this is a daily exercise. You don't miss a day.

Second thing to remember is what we're doing is creating the future.

It's a four step sequence. And so, without further ado, let's go
ahead and get started.

This is going to absolutely blow your mind.

It takes about 30 days for it to kick in. It'll actually kick in
instantly, but things will start manifesting and coming into your
life very rapidly. I'd hate to say, you know, the old rule of
thumb is 21 days, but I've seen it happen sooner, I've seen it
happen longer. So the key is daily effort. You need to do this
exercise every single day without missing a day from here on out,
pretty much. And as you start to get your new goal in you switch
goals and do it on the next goal. So let's go ahead and get
started. The first thing just open up a notebook and I've got mine
here. Just open it up to a clean page.

At the top of the page you're going to write what it is that you
want to happen, and attach a feeling to it.

For example, let's talk about money since that seems to be what
everyone is interested in. The first thing you attach the event
and attach an emotion to it.

So step one is, "I...", and you want to state it in the form of as
if it's happening right now, or if it's already happened. So step
one would be, "I am making $200 dollars per day, and feel relieved
and excited about my life, and look forward to more fun in the days
to come."

So what I've done there is made a statement. "I'm making $200
dollars per day." That's the objective. But I'm not saying, "I'm
going to make $200 dollars per day," I'm saying, "I am making $200
per day," and that's how we're going to talk about this as if it's
happening right now. What's going on? "I'm making $200 dollars
per day," and we're talking about how it feels right now to make
$200 dollars per day. You might be making minimum wage right now,
but we're not talking about that. We're talking about you decided
you wanted to make $200 dollars per day. Let's pretend like you're
making $200 dollars per day, except this is not pretending, this is
for real because what we feel and think on the inside attracts
things on the outside to match what we feel like on the inside. 
I've got tons of proof how this works. I've done it a million
times. It's wonderful. This is free. This is a daily exercise,
you asked for it, here it is. So that's step one. "I am making
$200 dollars per day," and how do I feel? "I feel relieved and
excited about my life, and I look forward to more fun in the days
to come." That's something that I feel, and you want to pick
something that you really feel in your words. How do you feel? 
Imagine that you're making $200 dollars per day, and how does it
feel? And get up in that space to where you're making $200 dollars
per day, and how does it feel, and write it down.

And then the second step to this is, and you write this out, "I
support myself in making $200 dollars per day, and am grateful for
my life and income." The key part of step two is, "I support
myself in," whatever it is. "I support myself," okay? So that's
the second step. And in this example, "I support myself in making
$200 dollars per day, and am grateful for my life and income,"
that's something that I feel. Obviously gratitude's important. 
I'd suggest to you, consider that in your number two statement.

And then number three is the fun part. Number three is where you
get up in there and you own it, and you talk about everything
that's going on. And this is actually where you want to get up
into that picture, and stay there, and hold it for as long as you
can. So, for example, we'll just go through an example here. 
Number three is basically you describe, and you write down, and
talk about feelings, and talk about how what's going on in your
life. Of course the $200 dollars in cash, you know, the paper part
of it is not what we're looking for. We're looking for the
emotion, and the lifestyle and what's it doing for you. What's it
like? What's if feel like? What's it smell like? What's going
on? What are other people saying? What's it feel like? So, in
this example, I'm just going to write it out here. "I am so happy
that I am now making $200 dollars per day. I feel so relieved. I
am more relaxed. I can pay all my bills. I can do almost anything
I want to." And you get the idea.

We're staying up in there, and what you need to do is to focus and
stay up in there for a long time. I mean when I say a long time
I'm talking like you want to go for five minutes a day if you can,
and just keeping writing about it. And what you'll find is that
this feeling will start to come up inside of you about how it feels
as if you've already made $200 dollars per day. Again, you might
be making minimum wage, but that's not what we're talking about
here. We're talking about you already make $200 dollars per day,
and how does it feel. And you do this exercise, and continue to
write. This is not a journal. This is a specific written
manifestation exercise. This is not like anything that you've
probably ever done before. What happens is you get this feeling,
and that feeling is the exact same feeling that you get when it
actually happens. Now, I have to emphasize, I don't know all the
spiritual things that are at work here. What I do know is that
this works. And what I also know is that when it actually happens
that's the exact same feeling you'll get when it happens. So the
purpose of this exercise is, is for you to get comfortable with
that feeling. At first it might feel a little uncomfortable, but
don't worry about it. Just keep writing. I mean it's a joyful
pleasant experience because if you didn't want it in the first
place it wouldn't be there, right? I mean in step one, "I'm making
$200 dollars per day," if you didn't want $200 dollars per day
don't put that down there. If you want a girlfriend, boyfriend,
love of your life, you want to get married, have kids, get a new
house, pay off your credit cards, whatever it is. Because you can
do whatever you want to do, okay?

Just, again, in step one it's whatever the event is and how you
feel about it.

Step two is, "I support myself," in whatever it is.

And Step three is you get in there and you step into the picture as
if it's happening right now, and you just stay there in writing. 
The writing helps you stay focused on it. And you'll have this
feeling come up. You get used to feeling, get comfortable with it,
get to know it, become a friend with it.

Then step four is similar to step two. Step four is a Thank You to
your Higher Power for giving this to you and states it as if it has
already happened, "Thank You so much for letting me make $200 per
day and I'm very, very, very grateful for this opportunity. Thank

And that's it.

Is that simple enough?

That's it!

With Respect,

Nelson Berry
Subliminal Video Messages

PS. I suggest doing this twice per day. 
Once in the morning and once in the evening. 
Takes 5 minutes...

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Treat Asthma With Subliminal Messages Meditation

Treat Asthma With Subliminal Messages Meditation

There are literally millions of people who suffer from asthma. The
condition can range from something very small that a person can
basically go on with his life to severe, which can lead to death.

Fortunately, science and medicine have improved greatly. There are
already several ways on how to cope and treat asthmatic conditions.
The medications can be in the form of nebulizers or inhalers, as well
as capsules and vitamins. What you may not be aware, though, is you
can also use meditation to cope with the illness.

What Is Asthma?

Asthma is described as an inflammatory disease that affects the
airways. A person with asthma will experience gasping of air,
difficulty in breathing, coughing, and wheezing. This is also a
chronic condition, which means it has the ability to reoccur a lot of
times during the sufferer's lifespan.

There are several reasons why a person can suffer from asthma. For
one, it can be genetic. So if your mom has asthma, expect that you may
develop one if not as a child then as an adult. It can also be caused
by the environment. If you live in the area where there is a lot of
smoke and pollution, there's a high possibility, you will experience
an asthma attack. Certain allergens can also trigger asthma, including
pollens and dust.

How to Deal with Asthma through Meditation

A more serious asthma can be very annoying and life threatening. It
will compel you to remain awake for most times of the night. You
cannot perform your daily activities. Otherwise, it will be more
difficult for you to breathe. You have to take certain drugs that may
have side effects such as drowsiness.

That's why any kind of coping mechanism that is a lot safer and
healthier will be more than welcome. The good thing about meditation
is it's definitely very safe and can be performed in conjunction with
your existing treatment. A lot have also discovered that their
symptoms slowly disappear or become more manageable as they perform

During meditation, you are asked to breathe deeply and slowly. When
you're asthmatic, it may take some time before you can breathe
properly. However, you can already exercise your lungs to take in more
air. Meditation has also been proven to be effective in improving your
immune system. If you have a strong body defenses, you will greatly
reduce the possibility of suffering from asthma as an allergic

Using Subliminal Messages

You can further enhance the effectiveness of meditation by adding
subliminal messages. These are usually described as hidden messages in
the form of images, sounds, and words. In this case, we are talking
about affirmations. While you're meditating, you can listen to some of
the subliminal messages such as the following:

I can beat asthma.
I can feel the air filling out my lungs.
I believe my body cells are fighting the allergens and getting rid of
the obstructions.

Just a note: since asthma can be dangerous, you need to coordinate
with your doctor at all times.

Subliminal Messages and Meditation: Their Importance

Subliminal Messages and Meditation: Their Importance

It doesn't matter what religion you're practicing—or whether you're
religious or not—you always tend to ask the cosmos for answers for a
lot of questions. However, you feel it doesn't answer you back, so you
blame it for the problems you find yourself in for many times.

Well, there's a huge possibility you already have the answers you
need. The only problem is you don't spare a good time to listen to
them intently. This is where meditation comes in.

The Big Purpose of Meditation

Meditation is more than just being quiet and still. It also gives you
the opportunity to focus yourself on the present, on yourself, which
usually holds all the answers you're going to need. It also allows
your mind to be very clear. In the process, you don't end up getting
very confused.

Meditation can also help in terms of planting subliminal messages into
the mind. Subliminal messages are very powerful since they are
situated in the subconscious, a part of your mind you have no full
control. Thus, they don't easily go away. Depending on what types of
subliminal messages you're feeding yourself, they can affect how your
conscious mind works. They can assist you in changing a negative
emotion or action into something more positive.

How to Do Meditation

Many people believe that meditation is a very easy exercise. They
simply need to be quiet—that's it. However, plenty of masters in
meditation will tell you it takes years before you will ever learn how
to do it. In fact, there are still times when you can hardly meditate.

For one, meditation should not be practiced once or twice only. It
should be part of your life—it should be a habit. That is how you can
fully sense the importance and benefits of meditating.

It's also required that silence is found, not only on the inside but
also on the outside. This means you need to find a location with the
very least disturbance. It can be inside your home, in a park, inside
a sanctuary or church—it's going to be your choice. The time of day
will also matter. Though you can always meditate anytime you like, the
best times will be during the morning, as the sun rises, and at night,
before you go to sleep. In the former, it's the time when you have the
least worries. Nighttime is the most opportune time to meditate since
the mind is very relaxed. If you have subliminal messages, they can
easily get into your subconscious.

Speaking of subliminal messages, you're free to come up with your own.
They are just simply statements that you need to repeat to ensure they
are picked up by the unconscious mind. However, if you're going
through certain issues in life, you may want to customize them. For
instance, if you just lose a job, the subliminal messages can be "I am
confident there's a job for me" or "Tomorrow is another opportunity to
show the employers I have the skill for the job."

Subliminal Messages - Top Tips to Become More Confident of Your Body

Subliminal Messages - Top Tips to Become More Confident of Your Body

Are you comfortable with your own skin? There are hundreds of men and
women who are not. You know, it's actually normal to sometimes feel
bad of how you look like, especially if it forces you to change your
lifestyle for the better. For example, if you are overweight, being
conscious of how you look like may just force you to exercise and

However, if your insecurity takes on a whole new level and it slowly
destructs you or your relationship, it may have to be something you
should take control of. A typical example is when you begin suffering
from eating disorders.

If you are currently obese or overweight, that is definitely something
you should not be proud of as it poses danger into your life.
Nevertheless, that doesn't mean you have to feel bad about your body.
Instead, you should love it all the more.

If you are not too confident of how you look like, you may want to
keep in mind the following tips:

1. Know the root cause of your insecurity. There are a lot of
potential reasons why you are not happy of how you look like, but you
need to identify the main source. Some may be pressured to get the
same body image they see in magazines. Others may be suffering from an
emotional distress. For example, if you have been bullied a lot of
times when you're young, there's a struggle to look good and impress
those who never really believed in you before.

Regardless, know the cause, and you can have a better idea on the next
steps to take.

2. Keep yourself healthy. There's no other way to it really. If you
want to be happier with how you look like, then you need to exercise
and watch out for your diet. If you are currently battling with your
weight, by doing these two simple things, you will learn how to drop
off the excess pounds. If not, then you can do them to maintain your
weight. Exercising also has a good effect over your emotions. In case
you don't know, if you are too stressed out, you can simply go to any
of the exercise machines and sweat it out.

3. Learn to practice visualization or meditation. Meditation helps
clear your mind, allowing you to be more focused on your goals or
objectives. You can also boost your level of serotonin, which can
enhance your mood and kick away depression. In the meantime, it lowers
your stress level and cortisol, a type of hormone that's associated
with high cholesterol.

On the other hand, visualization is a technique where you play out
scenarios in the mind. Its main purpose is to have an alternative
avenue to deal with your inner issues. For example, you can visualize
yourself throwing away stones that represent each of your

4. Use subliminal messages. You can also use subliminal messages or
affirmations. Subliminal messages have a way of changing your thinking
patterns. This is because they are embedded into the subconscious, a
part of your mind you cannot really control. Once the subliminal
messages have been fully accepted, they stay there, just ready to be

You can do the following exercise: every morning, you can stand in
front of the mirror and repeat these affirmations:

I am a beautiful individual.
I love myself.
I have the ability to take care of myself.

Subliminal Messages - Top Tips for Those Who Want to Visualize

Subliminal Messages - Top Tips for Those Who Want to Visualize

Visualization is actually one of the best techniques you can implement
when you want to resolve a lot of issues in your life. Many have
learned how to change their thought patterns and thus their behavior.

You too can make visualization work in your life, even if you're not
really facing something very grave. You can use it to further boost
your confidence level or perhaps change an annoying part of your

Here are some tips you can remember when doing visualization:

Do this when you're not busy. Visualization is almost like
daydreaming. The only difference is there's the feeling of motivation.
After all, you are expecting to see some results after.

Visualization requires the use of images and sometimes sound. Thus, it
requires full concentration from you. You cannot be bothered. Find the
best time to do visualization. It can be in the morning or at night.
It can be in the middle of your work, but make sure you are not doing
anything else besides doing visualization.

Make yourself comfortable. Any sign of inconvenience can be
detrimental to your goal to relax and visualize. This is because it
normally steals your attention. For example, if you're not comfortable
with the room temperature, the hotness or coldness can definitely
bother you. Before you know it, your mind is already wandering off.

One of the major rules in visualization is to be very comfortable.
Some can visualize sitting, while most will prefer to lie down. It's
all up to you how to position yourself. Just make sure you won't fall
asleep or slouch to avoid feeling back pains.

Visualize according to your need. You can customize your visualization
techniques based on what you're going through. This is especially
helpful if you're dealing with some personal issues, perhaps addiction
or loss of self-confidence. You will feel the real effects of the
exercise when you do so.

Create positive scenarios. Like meditation, visualization is performed
normally to change your way of thinking. Of course, if you're a
positive person, there's not much to modify. You may not even have to
do anything at all, but probably to keep that level of positivity.

Simply put, you normally visualize if you're dealing with negative
thoughts and emotions. For your visualization you can create positive
situations or scenarios.

Here's an example: If you're dealing with plenty of insecurities,
imagine yourself stomping on insects. These pests represent all your
insecurities. As you stomp, you can then put in subliminal messages
into your subconscious. The subliminal messages can include "I am a
unique person," "I love myself to allow others to hurt me," or "I have
talents and skills other people don't have."

Visualize regularly. Visualization, along with subliminal messages,
usually works with your subconscious, and this part of your mind is
hard to deal with. It's not often tapped. To get the most out of the
exercise, you need to visualize as often as you can. You may also have
to repeat the subliminal messages many times during the session.

Subliminal Messages - The Best Ways to Cope With Grief

Subliminal Messages - The Best Ways to Cope With Grief

One of the most painful episodes in your life will definitely be
losing one of your loved ones. The circumstance doesn't matter. The
level of pain is almost the same. There will be times when you're
struggling to come to terms with it. A lot of people fall into deep
loneliness or depression. In fact, some would also choose to end their

Grief is a very powerful emotion, which can be a positive or a
negative one depending on how you handle it. When it's a good grief,
it means you're mourning for the loss but you've already reached a
level of acceptance. It becomes something dangerous if it turns out to
be a negative emotion for you.

If you are finding it quite hard to deal with grief and loss, the
following tips may be helpful to you:

1. Start the process of acceptance. There are actually different
stages of grief. You may start from denial to desperation and
eventually into acceptance. It's recommended that you are very aware
of this, so you know what level you are in. The goal is to get into
the acceptance part as fast as possible, so you can completely move on
with your life.

2. Learn to grieve with others. Now is the best time to share your
grief with others, such as the rest of the family members or friends.
You will know that you are definitely not alone with what you're going
through. Sometimes you can draw strength and inspiration from the ones
who have already learned to accept the fate. They can help you get to
that point too.

3. Share good memories. Many people tend to not talk about the
deceased for fear that sharing will only bring back the sad memories.
That's actually fine, but you know sometimes you good memories can
also lighten up the mood. Besides, surely the dead wants you to
remember them when they are at their best. Honor their memory and life
by sharing any pleasant memories you have with him/her.

4. Join support groups. There are plenty of grief support groups you
can join. Some of them have already formed chapters in your area. If
you go to the Internet, there are message boards and websites you can
check out. They usually have professional counselors who can help you
understand the grief you're feeling, as well as teach you some methods
on how to cope with the pain of losing.

5. Use subliminal messages. How can subliminal messages help you with
your grief? These types of messages have the ability to change your
perspective on things, even your negative thought patterns. Subliminal
messages get into your subconscious, so it's something you have no
full control. However, you can tap them if you wish to change
something negative to positive.

Some of the subliminal messages or affirmations you can use during
grief are the following:

I am taking care of myself.
I place a high value in my life.
I accept life's natural process called death.
I acknowledge the pain, but I won't let it control me.

Subliminal Messages - Stop Overspending With These Tips

Subliminal Messages - Stop Overspending With These Tips

Do you know that there are thousands of people who are currently
buried in too much debt? A lot of people blame them on their credit
card companies or their wages. What they do not know about is that
they could only be overspending. Simply put, they are living beyond
their means.

If you have the tendency to overspend, you may want to take note of
these tips to deal with the issue more effectively:

1. Know the reason for your overspending. In case you do not know
there is a much deeper reason why you are overspending. Psychologists
believe that one of the leading causes for your shopping addiction is

You try to mask your low self-esteem by surrounding yourself with a
lot of material things. Before, you may never have any the capacity to
satisfy your needs, and you are trying to make up for it today. Either
way, insecurity or low self-esteem is a negative emotion, which you
should learn to get rid of.

One of the best ways to do is through the use of subliminal messages.
Subliminal messages can be images, words, or sounds that have hidden
meanings. They can be interpreted, though, by your mind, particularly
the subconscious where they can be found.

What do they do, and how can they be of help? Now imagine yourself
repeating the following subliminal messages or affirmations:

I can control my overspending.
I can live within my means.
I know what I need and want.
I have the power to control my urges to spend.

Surely, it would not take a while before you slowly realize you are
starting to accept these words as truths. Before you know it, you are
already changing your thinking patterns. You discover you have the
ability to say not certain things such as your wants.

2. Determine your needs and wants. What are needs and wants? Needs are
the things you cannot live without. You need food, water, shelter,
education, and clothes. Wants, on the other hand, are those you can
have but not necessarily need. Ergo, they are not that important. For
example, you need clothes, but you want to buy Gap or branded shirts.
You need a home, but you want a house found in Miami, Florida.

To start living within your means and avoid overspending, begin with
your needs. Give yourself at least a month to fully maximize the needs
you have just bought. Now can you still feel the need to want? Most
definitely you do not anymore.

3. Pay your debts and savings first. When you have the salary, do not
immediately spend it immediately. Sit down and write all the debts you
need to pay for the moment and the coming months (especially if they
are huge) and set aside a few of your cash for savings. Then you can
spend whatever remaining amount you have for whatever it is you like.
You do not need to worry anymore. You have covered your debts, and you
have spare cash for emergencies.

Subliminal Messages - Start the Healing Process Today

Subliminal Messages - Start the Healing Process Today

We all get bruised and hurt sometimes. However, more than the physical
pain, it's the emotional counterpart that you have to be worried
about. The healing process on this one can be quite long. A lot of
people, in fact, don't experience the kind of healing they're looking
for. In the end, they never get to enjoy their life.

One of the things you should know about the healing process is it's
usually a very long road to take. Sometimes you feel you're on your
way there, only to realize there are plenty of drawbacks, and you are
like starting from scratch. Nevertheless, that doesn't mean you can't
start somewhere, and it won't end in some way.

Here are some steps you may want to take when you want to begin the
healing process:

1. Acknowledge the pain. Interestingly a number of people want to deny
the fact that they're hurting or angry or depressed over someone or
something. Thus, it takes them a long time to start the healing
process. The first step will surely be acknowledgment or recognition.
You can tell yourself, "I admit I am in pain, and I'm willing to do
something about it."

2. Accept the challenges. You also need to accept the fact that you
will meet a lot of drawbacks during your healing process. There will
be people who will seem to fuel your negative emotions. You will find
yourself in a more difficult situation. However, you should also
realize that you do have the power to rise above these challenges only
if you can set your focus to your goal, which is to heal yourself.

3. Take it one step at a time. There's really no hurry when it comes
to healing. It doesn't really matter if it will take you months or
even years. The most important thing is you are taking the initiative
to start the process. Besides, those who do things slowly but surely
will find themselves not looking back on their painful past anymore.
They are completely healed.

4. Start the rebuilding process. There's a good chance that at some
point in your life you alienated yourself from the others. Perhaps
it's because you don't want to talk about what you're going through or
they themselves are the source of your pain. A lot of things can
happen from then and now. People can change. If you want to start to
heal, then begin to rebuild your lost relationships. Discover
something new about each other.

5. Be healthy. It's amazing how eating the right kinds of food and
exercising can do wonders not just to your body but also to your mind.
By keeping yourself healthy, you feel more confident about yourself.

6. Use subliminal messages. Subliminal messages or positive statements
can also improve the way you think about yourself. You may even use it
to speed up the healing process. Subliminal messages have a way of
changing your own mind-set, which you may need if you are suffering
from drawbacks.

Subliminal Messages - Of Death and Dying - How to Prepare Yourself for the Moment

Subliminal Messages - Of Death and Dying - How to Prepare Yourself for
the Moment

Death is a natural part of life. Every living thing in the world dies
at some point. However, for humans, it's something very painful. In
fact, it's so depressing that there are still so many who consider it
a taboo.

You may be going through some tough time right now. A relative or a
friend may be suffering from a terminal illness, and any moment from
now, he or she is going to die. As a loved one, you should prepare
yourself for the inevitable.

Though there's no definite way to deal with the possible loss, there
are some things you can do to soften the blow:

1. Don't treat them any different. A lot of people tend to change
their ways around a dying individual. Perhaps it's because they want
to show their great love and devotion. However, it's actually
recommended that you don't treat the dying any differently, but that
doesn't mean you should not make them feel as comfortable and as happy
as possible. The one thing they are looking for in the last chapter of
their lives is companionship and care, not really a lot of special
attention and sacrifice at your end.

2. Give them time to be alone. Many of the dying patients want to give
themselves time to be alone with their thoughts. Maybe they are also
trying their best to come to terms with their own deaths. As much as
you want to be with them all the time, it's only right that you
respect their wishes. That's how you can make them very comfortable.
Moreover, when you can see their fine with the idea of death, it
becomes much easier for you to accept the impending process.

3. Be with someone. Usually, you want to act strong and firm when
you're with the dying. That's actually good. The dying will certainly
want to see that you can definitely cope with the possible loss.
Nevertheless, never keep everything to yourself. If you feel like
you're ready to burst, go run and talk to someone. It can be a friend
or a family member. Pour your hearts out. By doing this, you begin the
grieving process, and it will be a lot faster for you to accept the
loss. Moreover, you can gain renewed strength from others.

4. Make use of affirmations. Affirmations or subliminal messages can
be utilized to help deal with a lot of personal issues, including loss
and grief. Subliminal messages, when used wisely, can help change
certain perspectives, especially if they are negative ones. Every
morning you may recite the following lines:

I accept the process of death.
I acknowledge my own grief.
I treasure the memories.
I value my life, and it compels me to move forward.

At first the words may sound hollow to you, but as they penetrate into
your subconscious, slowly you will learn to accept them as truths.
When you're depressed or lonely, you can tap on your subconscious and
be reminded by these subliminal messages.

Subliminal Messages - Losing a Loved One - How to Deal With Depression

Subliminal Messages - Losing a Loved One - How to Deal With Depression

Losing a loved one is one of the hardest blows you ever have to deal
with in your life. After all, you know that you are not going to see
them again. It becomes worse when the deceased is someone you depended
on all your life, such as your parents or your spouse. It is not going
to be surprising anymore if you fall into depression.

Nevertheless, death should not be an excuse to linger into depression.
As much as possible, you should pull yourself up and prevent yourself
from getting embroiled in too much sadness and grief.

The following tips may prove helpful as you go through depression and grief:

1. Take it one step at a time. Every person has his or her own way of
grieving. So there is no exact timeline on how long you should be sad.
Nevertheless, your ultimate goal should be to relieve yourself of the
pain and then move on with your life.

Just take everything one step at a time. In fact, live each day as if
it is the only thing the matters. To help you keep yourself in the
present, you can meditate. With meditation, you concentrate your mind
into your own breathing, which is something you do at the present
moment. Hence, even for just a while you have removed yourself from
the worries and uncertainties of the future.

2. Keep yourself busy. You can grieve without really jeopardizing your
daily activities. You may want to shorten the time you spend with
them, but as much as you can, bring yourself to do a lot of things.
When you are busy, you can hardly give yourself time to think about
the reasons for the pain. Before you know it, you will realize you
have not really found yourself sad for quite some time.

3. Go out with friends. Going out with friends does not really mean
you are no longer grieving. Sometimes you just need people to be
around you to make you feel secure and safe. You also need them to
listen to your stories as a way of unloading yourself from the pain.
You can grab a cup of coffee or invite them into your home.

4. Value your solitude. Do not worry about hurting others if you do
not want to talk to them at some point. You also need to be alone, and
you have to hold that precious time with great value. By being alone
you will realize a lot of things.

5. Write about it. Counselors would often advise you to write your
thoughts or create a journal. This is ideal if you cannot get hold of
families and friends right away. You can also keep track of your
progress. When your depression is over, you can discover what a strong
person you are just by reading your journal.

6. Create affirmations. You may just need a little push. Create
subliminal messages or affirmations. You can recite these subliminal
messages anytime of the day, especially if you're so down.

Subliminal Messages - How to Use Your Own Thoughts to Your Benefit

Subliminal Messages - How to Use Your Own Thoughts to Your Benefit

Perhaps you've heard of the saying that goes, "Everything is just a
state of mind." Yet still plenty of people tend to associate feelings
or emotions with their heart, perhaps because they will normally feel
their heart in pain or contracting whenever they are sad or depressed.

The truth is the brain still remains the center of everything. It
simply sends certain signals or chemicals to different parts of the
body, which, in turn, transforms to the various emotions you're going
to feel on certain circumstances. Moreover, the brain is like a large
storage bank. It taps on to many things to bring about the emotion it
can associate with to the scenario. For example, if you have been
bitten by a dog when you're still young, there's a huge chance you
would feel intense fear whenever you see the animal. You may feel a
lot of stage fright if you've been put to embarrassment before.

So if you're feeling any negative emotion, there's no other part of
your body that you need to modify than your brain. But how do exactly
do it?

You can actually use the power of the subliminal messages. What are
subliminal messages? These are sounds, words, or images that your
brain or mind picks up. The only difference is there's a good chance
you cannot take notice of it since it's the subconscious mind that
store them. The conscious mind performs a lot of filtering. That's why
there are some memories that you cannot remember anymore because you
simply choose to forget them.

Nevertheless, there are certain messages that bypass the conscious
mind and goes directly to the subconscious. Since the subconscious
doesn't have the logic and reason the conscious mind has, there's no
way you can get the subliminal messages out of your system. You simply
have to tap them.

In dealing with certain issues, subliminal messages usually come in
the form of affirmations. These are called positive statements.
Consider it a mother telling her daughter to do her best in school
because she's a talented person. That's how they work.

However, subliminal messages are repeated over and over that they can
slowly but surely change your manner of thinking. If you are currently
depressed and you don't want to do with your life, hearing the
statement "Tomorrow is another good day" allows you to look forward to
something much better. You somehow anticipate the good things that
will come your way, and may take every good thing that will happen as
a positive sign for these great changes to come.

How to Use Subliminal Messages

As mentioned, subliminal messages have to be repeated a lot of times.
This is because the subconscious mind is found at the deeper parts of
the mind. To make sure you can definitely pick them up, you have to
set aside a good time to speak or listen to these subliminal messages.
You can also listen to them when you're meditating or visualizing. At
these processes, the mind is more open or receptive.

Subliminal Messages - How to Manage Your Sadness More Effectively

Subliminal Messages - How to Manage Your Sadness More Effectively

Everybody gets sad once in a while. Besides, with the way things are
going in this world, there are a lot of reasons to be sad about.
However, as much as possible, what you should aspire is healthy

Healthy sadness is not devoid of pain or even grief. It simply means
you learn to still live your life while acknowledging the pain.

Here are some of the best ways to learn to manage your sadness or
grief more effectively:

1. Embrace the sadness. One of the reasons why it takes you such a
long time to end the sadness is you really don't acknowledge it in the
first place. You need to accept that fact that circumstances are
making you sad. It's only when you definitely know you're sad or
grieving can you know the best steps to take to finally move on and
get over with it.

2. Share it. Talk it over with friends and family members. In case you
don't know, you will not be the only one who's going to be sad. Your
loved ones, moreover, don't really want to see you suffering as it's
hurtful at their end.

3. Give yourself an outlet. Provide yourself an opportunity to show
your sadness in other ways. Poets actually write the best when they
are overpowered with emotions. So do painters. It doesn't mean you
need to be artsy, but you can use these different media to give your
sadness a form. You can also consider these as your forms of therapy.

4. Go outdoors. It will take a lot of effort to push yourself to go
out, but it's one of the best steps you can take to start the process
of healing and bring yourself out of sadness. By going outdoors, you
can meet plenty of people who you can talk to. You can also go back to
work, so the workload will somehow take your mind away from the pain.

5. Affirm yourself. Do you know that you are your best adviser? You
can make use of different types of subliminal messages or
affirmations. Some of these are the following:

I acknowledge this deep sadness.
I won't let the negative emotions overrule me.
I give myself high value.
I have the ability to rise above the pain.

By repeating these messages over and over, you bring these subliminal
messages into your subconscious. As time goes on, these subliminal
messages will slowly change your thought patterns, changing negative
emotions to positive ones. You will discover you have a lot of
strength within you to conquer your sadness and even your fears.

6. Meditate. Along with the sadness is a bunch of fears. Will I be
able to really get over this pain? Will I definitely succeed? What's
waiting for me in the future? Meditation helps because it brings you
to your present moment. Meditation allows you to direct your attention
to your breathing. You are also asked to be aware of your inner self.
By just being in the moment, you are giving yourself a chance to not
worry about what the future may bring.

Subliminal Messages - How to Lose Weight Without the Pills

Subliminal Messages - How to Lose Weight Without the Pills

These days everything can happen in an instant. For example, when you
need to lose that unwanted weight, you can simply pop up some Hoodia
pills and wait for the fats to stop accumulating. Doctors may also
advise you to take Orlistat medications, which are said to have the
ability to get rid of oils and fats in the body.

Do they work? A lot of studies say they do. However, they can also be
extremely harmful. Many complain of heart palpitations or nervous
breakdowns. Others lose water too fast they are more prone to
dehydration and exhaustion.

You can lose weight without popping any pills, and there are so many
techniques you can follow do that. Here are some of them:

Exercise. Do you know that you will lose some of the ability of your
muscles if you don't continuously move them? You also accumulate fats,
which tend to hide the muscles. Hence, make sure you can exercise at
least 30 minutes every day. You don't have to go to the gym if you
don't like to. There are already plenty of videos you can download or
purchase, so you can do Pilates or yoga at the comforts of your own

Have a buddy. Perhaps there's someone within your circle who wants to
lose weight. If not, you know somebody who is a certified health buff.
They are the best persons to approach to. When you have a buddy, or
someone who is managing their weight the best they could, it's much
easier for you to lose weight. There will be somebody who can keep
track of your progress. Besides, it would be a lot of fun and less
boring to jog around town.

Don't starve yourself. Many of those who want to lose weight make the
mistake of starving themselves as a way of dropping off the pounds.
This is actually dangerous. You can suffer from a stroke. You may
develop an eating disorder, or you will begin to binge on food. This
means you eat a lot thinking you're compensating for the times you

Instead of starving, consider eating in moderation. You can get a
little of everything until you can wean yourself on the unnecessary
food such as meat, wheat, and too much sugar. You can also divide your
3 huge meals into 6 small ones to motivate your metabolism to work

Use affirmations. Sometimes you will feel like giving up, especially
if you think you are not seeing any difference in your body figure.
When the going gets tough, you can use subliminal messages such as the

I love myself more.
I can take care of myself.
I can get rid of the unwanted pounds with determination.
I am focused and have the will power to stay in shape.

The subliminal messages can be used to change the way you thinking
about yourself. You will transform yourself from a person with no hope
to someone with a lot of persistence or motivation.

Subliminal Messages - How to Effectively Manage Household Chores

Subliminal Messages - How to Effectively Manage Household Chores

These days 24 hours seem to be not enough to accomplish everything you
have to do so the entire day. If you're working full time, you have to
spend around 8 to 9 hours a day, sometimes longer. When you go home,
you need to take care of your household chores. If you have kids, it
becomes much harder since you have more people to take care of.

It is not surprising therefore if you find yourself getting burned out
and too tired to accomplish even your household chores. Nevertheless,
you should also know there are ways to make things more comfortable.
Consider the following:

1. Learn to schedule. When you're faced with a lot of tasks besides
tending the home, it's only right to come up with a good schedule—and
make sure that you're going to stick to it.

2. Prioritize. There are actually certain chores that you don't have
to do every day. For example, you can consider having your laundry
every other day or twice a week. Gardening can be accomplished during
the weekends. You can change the linens once a week or every two
weeks. In the Internet you can download a form that you can use to
help you schedule and prioritize your list of chores.

3. Ask others to help you. If you have children, you can train them to
be responsible at early point in life by delegating simple household
tasks to them. You may help you whip those ingredients or set the
table. You can teach them how to arrange their beds on their own. In
fact, you can ask your husband to help around the home, especially
during the weekends. He can take care of repairs and maintenance.

4. Consider hiring a cleaner. There are several cleaners that are
ready for serve you. You can definitely find one whose rates fit your
budget. You can call them whenever you really don't have a lot of time
to take care of your home. On the other hand, you are able to provide
a source of livelihood for someone.

5. Put things into their proper places. It's interesting how much time
you can save just by returning the items into their right places.
Magazines should be back on racks. Return to dressers the wardrobes
you haven't utilized. Place unclean dresses into the laundry bins.

6. Enjoy. One of the reasons why you feel so tired when it comes to
cleaning is you never really associate household chores with
enjoyment. They are tasks too burdensome to handle. Learn to enjoy
them. You may play upbeat music while cleaning.

7. Encourage yourself. You can use subliminal messages to help you
motivate yourself into cleaning. Subliminal messages may be
affirmations, such as "I am proud to live in a clean home" or "I can
provide a clean environment for my family" can definitely encourage
you to be more effective in cleaning. You can speak the subliminal
messages at least a few hours before cleaning or even while you're
doing it.

Subliminal Messages - How to Deal With Being a Single Parent

Subliminal Messages - How to Deal With Being a Single Parent

One of the biggest issues with divorce is a single process leaves two
couples single parents. Raising a child all on your own can be a very
huge responsibility, as usually you need to take dual roles almost all
the time. However, that doesn't mean it's something you really can't
do. Hundreds have been successful with it.

If you are a single parent, you may find the tips very helpful:

1. Accept the fact that you're a single parent now. This means that as
much as possible you should never really expect plenty of help from
your ex-spouse. Now don't get this wrong. Plenty of ex-couples end up
being close friends after their divorce, and they are still around to
help you raise your kids. Nevertheless, they can't be around all the
time, especially if they also start raising a new family.

By accepting your new normal, you can become more open to a lot of
possibilities. You don't feel limited, and it's easier for you to let
go of the pain caused by your previous relationship.

2. Spend quality time with your children. A common dilemma among
single parents is they find themselves engaged in career or work for
most of the time. Before they know it, their children are already
grown up and feel a lack of emotional support from their parents.
Though it's going to be extremely difficult, you should learn to find
time to spend with your kids.

For example, you can make weekends especially made for them. You can
travel out of town, take side trips to the park, invite their friends
over for a mini barbecue party, or just cuddle one another while
watching their favorite movies. If you have younger children, you can
search for a child care center located near your office. In fact, you
can find companies that offer child-rearing services.

3. Take care of yourself. Raising your own children can definitely be
very stressful, and it's definitely normal for parents to feel burned
out in the process. But you know you can't. So do take time to also
take care of yourself. Always devote a portion of your time for
yourself only. You can go out with your friends at least once a week.
Take a bubble bath after work. Get a massage. In fact, you can go out
on a friendly date.

4. Consider using affirmations. Subliminal messages or affirmations
can do wonders into your life, especially if you start feeling so
stressed out and non-motivated. Subliminal messages are powerful
enough to somehow start modifying your thought patterns. Single
parents can use the following subliminal messages:

I am well loved.
My new me is something I embrace completely.
I accept my present situation, and I can learn to love it.
I have a lot of love to give away.
I am ready to receive love and care.

Expect to experience a lot of challenges along the way. However, as
you keep the following tips in mind, your new road will somehow become
much easier.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Subliminal Messages - How to Comfort Yourself in Times of Sadness

Subliminal Messages - How to Comfort Yourself in Times of Sadness

Usually, when you're sad or depressed, you want to be surrounded by
your loved ones. It becomes painful therefore if there seems to be no
one with you. The truth is you really cannot expect to be there with
you at all times, considering they have their own lives. Nevertheless,
that should not mean you cannot get any type of comfort. In fact, you
do have the power to comfort yourself.

Learn from the following tips:

1. Practice laughter yoga. There are actually different kinds of yoga,
but for those who are sad, the laughter yoga may just prove to be one
of their best medicines. It's been so effective it has been adapted by
health care facilities and participated by hundreds of patients,
especially those who are coping with serious illnesses.

Laughter yoga is very simple. While you breathe, give off a little
giggle. Allow your laughter to build up over time until you can let
out something so boisterous. Before you know it, you've been laughing
for a period. The good news about this is it doesn't only lift the
spirit but also keeps you healthy. Laughing can boost your immune

2. Take care of your health. When you're sad, one of the things you
often overlook is your own health. It's more disheartening if you find
yourself looking so miserable in the mirror. Even when you're sad,
learn to take care of yourself. Eat the right food and exercise. Some
of the dishes can help increase serotonin, which reduces depressive
mood. A very good example is dark chocolate. Getting a physical
exercise gives you the same effect as yoga. It enhances your body's
defenses and makes you appear prettier and more vibrant.

3. Write down your thoughts. You can write a letter to yourself, which
you can read when you're at your lowest point. You can create a blog
and share your thoughts with others. Plenty have gained lots of
friends and online followers by turning their sorrow into something

4. Help out. Take time to volunteer in organizations. Reach out to
those who are in need. You will discover that you're not that
miserable after all, and there are still hundreds of other people who
need your care and love.

5. Give yourself a time limit. There's really no exact time as to when
the sorrow or depression will end. However, if you truly want to stick
to your goal, which is to be completely happy again, you need to
create a time limit. Hopefully, this will compel you to take measures
to become happy again.

6. Develop positive statements. Words are very powerful. You will know
it when you create subliminal messages or affirmations. You can speak
of your subliminal messages every morning or before you go to sleep a
lot of times so they can definitely get absorbed by your mind. Some
examples of subliminal messages are the following:

I love myself.
I have enough strength to conquer this sadness.
I am looking forward to a brand-new day.

Subliminal Messages - How to Attract Wealth Into Your Life

Subliminal Messages - How to Attract Wealth Into Your Life

Who doesn't want to get rich? Everybody does. It offers a lot of
opportunities for anyone. You can secure your future, as well as that
of your loved ones. You can have more time to travel and see the
world. You can purchase anything you want to have.

However, not everyone gets to be rich. In fact, there are thousands of
people who are currently living in a poverty line. If you're
struggling trying to make ends meet, perhaps you want to change your
mind-set and begin attracting wealth into your life. Consider the
following methods:

Do visualization. What better way to attract wealth than to simply
think about it all the time. You can do plenty of visualization
exercises. You can picture yourself climbing a step of ladders, each
step representing a level of success you want to attain. For example
the first step may be a promotion from your job, the second step may
mean a move to a new home, etc.

The good thing about doing visualization is you tend to develop more
specific goals and objectives. It also empowers you in the process.
The more you think about it, the more you are convinced that you can
definitely attract wealth in your life.

Act like one. If you want to be rich, then you need to act like one.
However, that doesn't mean you have to squander money. Unknown to
many, the richest people in the world are ingenious, hardworking,
determined, and persistent. They don't allow setbacks and even
failures to get in the way of their dreams. They also live within
their means and invest their excess cash in several portfolios.

Think positive. Science tells you that unlike poles attract. This may
even work in terms of relationships. However, the same thing cannot be
said when it comes to attracting wealth. If you want to be rich, then
you need to be very positive about it.

Of course, it's easier said than done. After all, there are hundreds
of challenges you need to hurdle before you will ever succeed. What
you can do, however, is to recite or listen affirmations or subliminal

Now what are subliminal messages? These can be words, images, and
sounds, which can have the ability to change your mind-set, including
the negative emotions or feelings that may be preventing you from
attracting wealth. Subliminal messages work by dealing with your
subconscious, a part of your mind that you don't have full control of.
Thus, you don't get to filter the messages. Rather, the subliminal
messages are left in the unconscious part of your mind, waiting to be

What are the different kinds of subliminal messages you can recite or
listen to? These are the following:

I have the ability to be rich.
I am confident I can be wealthy.
I love my life.
There's so much to live for.
Tomorrow is going to be a whole lot better.

As you take on these lines, you will slowly experience a change of
thought pattern. You will feel more empowered and develop a better
belief system on yourself.

Subliminal Messages - Get Over the Idea of Suicide With These Tips

Subliminal Messages - Get Over the Idea of Suicide With These Tips

Perhaps you already know that suicide is something you should never
consider in your life. Your life is something you cannot take back
once you are dead. Nevertheless, there are still thousands of people
every day who choose to end their lives simply because they do not
know how to deal with their emotions.

If you find yourself thinking about suicide, you may want to take a
pause first and read the following. It is not too late to get some

Call a counselor. You can always talk to a friend or a family member
about your personal issues, but when you want to end your life, the
best person to talk to will be the counselors. They have been trained
to handle crises such as this. They can provide you with all the types
of help you are going to need.

There are a lot of hotline numbers you can dial. Surely, there is a
suicide prevention center within your locality. Take time to visit or
call someone. They are always available to take your call and listen
to your problems.

Know the root cause. One of the leading causes of suicide is
depression. However, knowing that it is depression is not actually
enough. There should be a reason behind that deep sorrow. It could be
because you feel neglected or unwanted. Perhaps you have been ditched
by the person that you love, or a family member or a friend suddenly
passed away. When you know the root cause, it becomes easier for you
to determine the best courses of action to start stepping away from
depression and suicidal thoughts.

Discuss it with people you trust. Talk about your problems with a few
people, such as those you really trust. It does not have to be a
family member. This person is also the best one to approach when you
need some guidance or protection. Perhaps you can request them to
visit you once in a while. Most of all, share whatever feelings you
have about a particular situation. The more you talk about them, the
more you will feel they are being unloaded. Sometimes you will just
realize the negative emotions no longer matter that much.

Use subliminal messages. Subliminal messages can also be called
affirmations or positive statements. When used correctly, these
subliminal messages can help change your manner of thinking. You can
alter something negative to something positive. Some of the subliminal
messages you can try include the following:

I am a well-loved person.
I am capable of loving myself more.
I am confident and fun-loving individual.
I put a very high value over my life.
I am worthy of every love I am getting.
I choose to be happy.

You can repeat these subliminal messages or affirmations as many times
as you can and on a regular basis. This means you may have to listen
or speak of them every day. This is how you can get them into your
subconscious and start modifying the way you think of yourself.

Subliminal Messages - Erase the Guilty Feeling With Visualization

Subliminal Messages - Erase the Guilty Feeling With Visualization

Guilt—do you know that it's one of the main reasons why you cannot
really move on with your life? There's always that certain level of
fear and uncertainty. You feel limited because you are afraid you
might meet the reason for the guilt or perhaps you're going to repeat
the same scenario that caused such negative emotion.

You can carry the guilt for many years. In fact, you can hear stories
of people who bring along such feeling unto their grave. Surely, you
don't want to reach such point. Otherwise, you will not be able to
enjoy the life you have right now.

But how do you exactly get rid of the guilt? You can start by doing
some visualization exercises.

What Is Visualization?

For many, visualization is a process where you are going to use images
to drive a point or send a message usually to yourself. However, you
can actually enhance visualization to include sounds and even words,
making the message much clearer and thus easier to pick up.

Visualization can be likened to daydreaming. You normally create
scenarios in your mind. The only thing is visualizing is usually
performed with a goal in mind, such as to settle past issues that may
be causing the guilty feeling.

How to Do It

Some people are already so good when it comes to visualization they
can do it even when they are doing something else. However, for those
who are fairly new to the process, it may take a while before you can
reap its full benefits.

To help you, here are some guidelines you can remember:

Choose a good place and time. Like meditation, visualization requires
full concentration. You should never be bothered, particularly by your
external environment. You can do that by selecting the location and
time of your visualization properly. Find a place where you are
comfortable and there's least amount of noise. Opt for a time when you
are least bothered or worried about something else.

Allow your mind to relax. You need your mind to relax to allow
yourself to become more receptive to the subliminal messages you're
going to send to your subconscious. You can take very deep and slow
breaths until you can feel all your muscles are already on the comfort

Try to develop scenarios. Slowly create mental images in your head. If
you find it difficult to develop scenarios, you can purchase mp3s and
CDs that are solely for visualization. They usually come with
subliminal messages or affirmations or positive statements for

A certain situation you can visualize may go something like this:
imagine yourself at a table with glasses labeled with each of the
reasons for your guilt. You can then take each one of them, smashing
the glasses into the floor. That can symbolize that you're getting rid
of the causes of your guilt.

Do this regularly. As mentioned, you cannot achieve the desired
results at one time. You may have to visualize on a regular basis.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Subliminal Messages - Eliminating the Excess Pounds Naturally

Subliminal Messages - Eliminating the Excess Pounds Naturally


Is it possible for you to get rid of the excess pounds? You bet it is. It just takes a little will power at your end.


Here are some of the many tips you can follow:


1. Eat real food. What do we mean by this? Instead of stuffing yourself with plenty of processed foods, eat more of fruits, and vegetables. Processed foods contain high levels of fat and sodium. The former can increase your cholesterol, while sodium can easily dehydrate you. Both can destroy vital organs in your body, such as the liver and kidney.


2. Dine on protein. You do need protein in your body. You have to keep in mind they one of the main sources of amino acids, considered the building blocks of cells. However, you really don't need a lot of it. Thus, make sure you can control your intake. The suggested amount of meat is just the size of a matchbox. However, if you're a meat lover, you can schedule your meat eating once a week. For vegetarians, you can get your protein from beans.


3. Do eat—but in moderation. Never starve yourself. Your body does require a good amount of food in order to function very well. Nevertheless, do everything in moderation. Skip the snacks unless you're willing to eat fruits and nuts. You can also drink water at least an hour before you eat. This way, you don't end up eating a lot during mealtimes.


4. Keep on moving. Don't spend a lot of time sitting on the couch or being indoors. Go out and have fun. You can take a walk in the park, jog around, or ride a bike. You can engage in camping, bushwalking, and hiking. These things are fun activities you can do while burning calories.


5. Schedule a no-technology day. Rest your mind and body from too much technology. Stay away from the Internet and television. Keep your iPods in a safe place. These steps will compel you to really go out and do something more productive with your time.


6. Don't eat when you're hungry. Don't wait for the time when you're starving before you begin to eat. Before you know it, you're already binging. Be vigilant on the signs of your body. If you start feeling stomach rumblings, eat. You can also schedule your eating habits. Your body can just adapt to your schedule.


7. Sleep well. Your body's metabolism actually slows down when you don't get enough sleep. It also doesn't help that because you have not healed properly from stress, you end up binging on food. Your body doesn't have enough mechanism to use the fats you've accumulated.


8. Use subliminal messages. You can utilize the subliminal messages to change any pent-up negative emotions to something more positive. While you're exercising or meditating, you can plant subliminal messages into your subconscious such as "I can definitely lose this unwanted weight" or "I am doing the best efforts to keep my body in shape."











Subliminal Messages - Deal With Anger a Lot Better Through Meditation

Subliminal Messages - Deal With Anger a Lot Better Through Meditation


Seriously, who doesn't get angry? In fact, you're advised to never hold back your anger as it can have detrimental effects in your psychology and physiology. You often find people suffering from sudden heart attacks or depression because of repressed anger.


However, it becomes dangerous if it starts destroying you or your relationship with others. A normal anger should not last for a very long time. If it does, then it's something you should learn to get rid of before it consumes you.


If you have any repressed anger or if you have a tendency to harbor such negative emotion against someone for a longer period, you may want to do some meditation.


How Meditation Works against Anger


Meditation is actually one of the biggest secrets of the happiest man in the world. A monk, he has full control over his negative emotions, allowing himself to regulate depression, pain, and, yes, anger. If it works for him, then definitely it will work for you.


But how does meditation helps you control or even get rid of anger? There are many ways. First, it relaxes your body parts. Haven't you noticed how your body tends to go stiff when you think of something or someone that angers you? As they say, your blood boils.


Meditation can help calm these stiff nerves and body parts by allowing you to take in some air. When you inhale air, you can feel the lungs and abdomen expand. You will also release some tension at the back. When you exhale, the lungs and shoulders will fall down and begin to relax.


It's also in meditation you can achieve a much clearer mind. A good reason why you should never get angry all the time or for longer periods is because it makes you irrational. You cannot make better judgment or decision for yourself. You can become rash, and sometimes act selfishly against someone.


When you meditate, you are actually weeding out your mind. By concentrating on your breaths, you become more aware of the present moment and not on the things that may be causing you a lot of emotional stress.


It's also very easy for you to apply subliminal messages or affirmations when you're meditating. The mind, especially the subconscious, becomes more open or receptive to almost anything. Some of the subliminal messages you can use include the following:


I am much stronger than this anger.

I am finally letting go of my anger.

I find no more reason to be angry.

I have the capacity to forgive and love.

I am the ruler of my emotions and can conquer anger.


These subliminal messages, when repeated several times, can get into your subconscious, a part of your mind that is not governed by logic and reason. Hence, you can no longer discard the subliminal messages. Instead, you can tap on them if you wish to change your thought patterns. As your subconscious continuously repeat the messages, you start to believe these affirmations, and before you know it, you are actually changing your perception about your anger.

Scared of Your Pregnancy? Try Subliminal Messages Meditation

Scared of Your Pregnancy? Try Subliminal Messages Meditation


Pregnancy can be one of the most exciting moments of your life. Just imagine giving birth to a new life n a matter of months. Moreover, you are one of the blessed people considering the number of women who cannot bear a child has increased dramatically over the years.


However, you may also feel a lot of anxiety along with the pregnancy. Will I be able to raise my baby well? Will I be a good parent? What if she is born with defects? How much money should I set aside for him/her?


Pregnant women should avoid getting anxious or even depressed while pregnant. You have to keep in mind what you feel is also felt by your baby. It has been proven numerous times that anything your body experiences can have a profound effect on your children once they are born and grow up. If you want them to be happy, you also have to be happy.


If you feel a certain level of anxiety and it seems like taking over you, you may want to practice one thing: meditation.


Benefits of Meditation for Pregnant Women


One of the biggest advantages of meditation for those who are pregnant is that it is completely safe. In fact, a lot of women these days practice both yoga and meditation as it allows them to prepare for their delivery more effectively. Some can even get away with local anesthetic, thanks to excellent control over their fears through their minds. This is because meditation usually promotes proper breathing.


Meditation can reduce or eliminate anxiety in a lot of ways. First, it gives you a much clearer mind. These different kinds of uncertainties can sometimes cloud your mind, and before you know it, you are already very much confused and frightened. You no longer know what you are going to do.


Meditation gets rid of these negative thoughts by making you aware of the present moment. Simply put, you enjoy what you have now. You do not get to think about the coming days, which are filled with uncertainties.


It also allows you to relax. When you breathe during meditation, you can definitely feel certain parts of your body, especially the lungs and shoulders to fall down and relax when you breathe out. Thus, you release tensed muscles and nerves.


Meditation can also help improve the back and spine, which you definitely need since the baby size can sometimes put a lot of strain in these areas.


Using Subliminal Messages


During meditation you can also add some subliminal messages to further motivate and encourage you. Subliminal messages, in this situation, may be in the form of positive statements or reinforcements. Consider the following:


I am a strong woman.

I know I can be a good mother.

I can give a lot of love for this child.

I look forward to raising very happy kids.


When repeated a lot of times, these subliminal messages can take over your negative thoughts, so you start giving yourself some positive vibes.